Sortable Data
Using the Airtable spreadsheet below, sort for historical periods, provenience, dates in which acquisitions were made, and provenance across collections.*
Historical period(s) refers to the most specific form of periodization that can be assigned to any of the objects in the collection. For example, you might see “Sargon II” where an object can be confidently placed in the bounds of his reign. “Neo-Assyrian” is not automatically assigned as a parent category because Sargon II is a Neo-Assyrian king. Neo-Assyrian might appear when an object in the collection can at best be dated to that period without any further specificity.
Provenience refers to an object’s findspot or origin.
Date(s) Acquired refers to any date or time period in which an object entered a collection. A collection will often have multiple dates.
Provenance refers to any person or institution involved in an object’s history on its journey to arriving at a collection.
Data was taken from college and university collections websites and sources from this bibliography.
*While Airtable allows for easy sorting and organizing, it loses some functionality when viewed on a mobile device. For the full experience, I recommend using a desktop, laptop, or tablet.